Home/The phase of qualitative analysis as part of drafting Smart Specialization Strategy has started

The phase of qualitative analysis as part of drafting Smart Specialization Strategy has started

Home/The phase of qualitative analysis as part of drafting Smart Specialization Strategy has started

The phase of qualitative analysis as part of drafting Smart Specialization Strategy has started

Published On: 13 December 2021

The Strategic Planning Office within the Office of Prime Minister, as coordinator of the drafting  process of the Smart Specialization Strategy, with the support of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, after the completion of the quantitative phase where the economic, scientific and innovative potential of Kosovo (the report for this phase has already been published on the website), has started the qualitative phase of this process.

Thus, for this phase the Smart Specialization Survey is being conducted by REX Consulting Group, contracted by Joint Research Centre. The survey was launched on December 3 on the KoBo Toolbox platform. The aim of the survey is to help identify some priority areas within the Smart Specialization process with added value and potential for growth, where investing in Research & Development & Innovation can bring higher competition.

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