SCOPE (S3 Community of Practice in the EU Enlargement region) Meeting of Smart Specialization Basic Teams
SCOPE (S3 Community of Practice in the EU Enlargement region) Meeting of Smart Specialization Basic Teams
On 8th of July 2020, JRC has organized the virtual meeting of the core Smart Specialization Teams to Discuss the S3 Status and the Support until Mid-September 2020, as a part of the project on “Support to Smart Specialization in the Enlargement Region. The meeting topic was the discussion on the current state of the S3 process in the Western Balkan countries and the further steps in this process. Initially, the six countries of the Western Balkans presented the S3 process in their countries. Kosovo presented the state of the S3 process, where it informed that a new decision had been prepared to establish the National Team composed of representatives from relevant institutions, academia, the private sector, and civil society. Immediately after the approval of the decision, the first meeting of the National Team is expected to be held, and the Roadmap for the Smart Specialization process in Kosovo will be discussed and approved.